Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rusk Buns

Have any of you ever had a rusk bun? These are the absolute best buns ever. No hamburger bun can possibly compete.

I had never had one until I met Bill. His dad and Cindy buy them at Leppink's, a small grocery store just north of Ferrysburg (not exactly close and convenient!). I guess they are hard to come by. Leppink's only has them available a few days a week, so you have to hurry in and grab them while they are there.

Steve and Cindy know how much I like rusk buns, so they will occasionally snap up a package just for me. I love this, and I'm always sad when the package runs out. What I need to do is stalk Leppink's on a rusk bun day, and then buy 7 or 8 packages and freeze them. That should last me awhile.

Here's Nolan holding what's left of my rusk buns. Actually, Bill and I ate two of those (sorry, children, you aren't discerning enough to care whether you have a rusk bun or not, so you are stuck with Meijer brand!), so I am down to my final rusk bun. If Bill thinks I'm going to let him eat it, he's going to have to fight me for it!

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