Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Clark, my nephew, is coming over tonight to play with TJ and Sam while his mom and dad host their House Church at their home. I am taking Nolan and going with Amanda to sample foods for her wedding reception. This leaves Bill home alone with TJ, Sam, and Clark. The boys play well together, and Bill wasn't the least bit concerned about it, but I still decided to do him a favor and give the boys their baths this morning, so he wouldn't have to do it tonight.
That small gesture turned into a disaster. My plan was to put TJ and Sam in the tub and let them have their play time while I gave Nolan his bath in his little tub. Then I'd finish washing up the older two and then would be free to get my own shower in. Well, I got the older two in the tub and they were playing happily while I stripped Nolan. Just as I emerged from his room (carrying a small naked baby), TJ starts shrieking that Sam pooped in the tub (which has never happened before). I hurried into the bathroom and discovered two small items in the water that didn't belong there. TJ is crouching (wet and naked) on the edge of the tub. Sam is standing in the tub sobbing hysterically. I laid Nolan down on the rug (he was smiling and kicking his naked legs), so I could scoop the 'items' out, drain the bath water, quickly wipe the tub out with a disinfecting wipe, then put fresh water in. During this process, TJ slips off the tub ledge and lands with a crash next to Nolan. Nolan isn't hurt, just terrified. So terrified, in fact, that he peed all over my leg, my pajamas, my slipper, and the bath rug (which I just washed last week). ARGH! I quickly finished filling the tub back up and coaxed TJ back into the water. Sam would have nothing to do with it. He refused to sit in the water. Why HE was so upset, I don't know...he started this whole mess! I tried to comfort him, but realized he was just going to have to stay upset. I needed to get Nolan bathed and dressed.
Sam didn't stop screaming until I finished bathing & dressing him. I wonder if he'll ever poop in the tub again. He seems to have been emotionally scarred by the experience. As for me, I'm sure I'll laugh about it someday, but for now, I'm just tired!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Family Portraits
Patti did a great job, as usual, and I'd be happy to pass along her contact info if anyone needs it. The biggest problems were an uncooperative TJ, Nolan got tired and fell asleep, and the sun was so bright on the Grand River, you couldn't tell what it was. We weren't able to use any of the shots with the river in the background.
The 3 boys (notice both TJ and Sam insisted on touching Nolan. He got sick of that mighty fast):

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Funny, funny kids
TJ is discovering how to find the 'extras' on his DVDs. He has really latched onto a music video that is on the most recent release of "101 Dalmations". It's Selina Gomez (she's on some Disney TV show) singing a rocked-up version of "Cruella DeVil". Personally, I think it's cheesy, but TJ loves it. He drags out my old exercise trampoline and jumps to beat while he sings along. It's strange, but very funny to watch.
Sam is developing a taste for some unusual foods. A couple weeks ago he was bugging me while I made dinner. I gave him some sunflower seeds, figuring he'd be grossed out and would go away. Nope. He loves them. He then decided that if sunflower seeds were good, peanuts would be good. The only problem with that is "Peanut" is a nickname I've often called him over the years (not that it describes his appearance!). Yesterday, he walked in the kitchen and I said, "Hi Peanut!" And he said, "Yes, wan' peanuts, pwease!". Oh, boy. Looks like he needs a new nickname.
Sam processes his thoughts out loud. Last week, my mom was watching him and overheard him talking softly to himself. "Sam poops." (pause) "TJ poops." (pause) "Nolan poops." This went on as he named every family member he could think of (yes, even me). My mom didn't dare laugh, but he seemed quite amazed to realize we all have the same body function!
Nolan was having a little tantrum when I was holding him this afternoon, and he wound up hanging his head upside down on my lap. He decided he liked that, and stayed that way for awhile.
On a serious note, Sam's had a few tummy aches this week. I can't figure out what's bothering him. He had a bad one around 11:00 last night. I wound up giving him ibuprofen to help the cramps go away. I think I'll start giving him the papaya extracts at dinner again. They taste like papaya (so he's willing to eat them), but help with digestion. I took them when I was pregnant with Nolan and discovered they prevent heart burn.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
It was funny...I immediately saw people I hadn't seen in years. So far, I only asked Emily (who invited me to look at her Facebook page ages ago) and Brianna (my very strange sister) to be my friends. I figure family won't reject me. :-)
If you have a Facebook account, find me and make me your friend!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Facial hair
Now, he is growing a beard. Why, you ask? I really don't know.
I think tomorrow I will dye my hair blue, and Sunday I'll go for the bald look.
Men are weird.
Nolan's check-up
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Post Family Farm
There is a lot for kids to do at the farm. There's a playground, a zip line, a straw maze, corn maze, pumpkin train, pony rides, hay rides, crafts, etc. One price covers everything except the pony rides and crafts. They also have fabulous freshly baked donuts for sale.
TJ was game to try almost anything. I was shocked when he did the zip line. He was definitely the smallest kid to try it. Initially, he was afraid to drop off at the end, but he managed. He's so short, either Bill or I had to boost him up to reach the handles!
Sam REALLY enjoyed feeding the goats. He was practically sticking his whole hand in their mouth, he was so eager to feed them. I'm surprised he didn't get bit. I had to scrub his hands off in the bathroom when he finished that.
Owen, my nephew, loved the straw maze. Only, his shoes kept popping off. He'd dig through the straw and hand them to Mandy for help.
Audrey was absolutely fascinated with the hay ride out to the pumpkin patch. She was so happy!
Nolan slept through most of it. He did wake up in time for a group picture, and he watched me enjoy a donut.
By the time we left, TJ was exhausted (he needs naps on the weekends to make up for his busy school days), so we had lots of whining and arguing. The rest of the trip was very enjoyable.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Nolan tries cereal
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Anniversary trip
We shopped in Shipshewana, but didn't actually buy anything there, other than a fabulous apple dumpling. We found all of our bargains at Burkolder's Dutch Village in Nappanee. It's a flea market/craft show/antique store. We bought a bunch of Hallmark cards for 25 cents each, a small fan for $1, Bill bought two records, and I found a book my sister needed, and two garden flags. Bill likes the antiques, I like the crafts, and we prowl the flea market together.
Here's some pictures from Amish Country. We love to look at their farms and their unique, sprawling farmhouses:
Saturday night we went all out and had dinner at Tippecanoe Restaurant, which is the old Studebaker mansion. The food was great, but honestly the best part was wandering the mansion after dinner. We were given the okay to wander through any of the main four floors (there are seven altogether, but the attic, basement, and sub-basement are off-limits). I didn't have my camera in the restaurant, but I wish I had. Here's a couple shots of the outside:
Big thanks to Steve and Cindy for taking TJ this past weekend, and to my parents for taking Sam and Nolan. And to my work, which covered the lodging (it was my Christmas gift) and paid for a big portion of Saturday night's dinner. I have great bosses!!!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
On the way to church last night, Nolan sneezed twice. Sam looks over at him and quietly says, "Bless you, Nolan." What a sweetheart!
And Now....A Word from the Weird...
Yes, he really uses words like that. He thinks it's hysterical to get Sam to say words like, "Doover". TJ used to play along, but now eyes his Dad with pity and a bit of disdain. ha ha ha
He also really keeps naming our houses. Why, I have no idea. I didn't even realize I lived in Norland. The Norland in "Sense and Sensibility" is slightly larger.
Just as a disclaimer, don't blame me for anything he says. I can't be held responsible for that man!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Halfway to his birthday!
His check-up isn't for a few weeks, so no new measurements until then.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Seen and Heard for Sunday
Sam's response? "Four....five...six..."
Mr. Smartypants.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Doesn't that hurt?
By Thursday, he wasn't eating at all. By that evening, I was suspecting an ear infection. He insisted it was fine, that there was just 'lots of wax in it'. But then a fever started.
So yesterday I called the doctor. He got to see the newest doctor in the practice. My mom took him, as I worked a half day. TJ was very nervous (remembering those shots he got in August!), but the doctor was very kind. She determined that not only did he have an ear infection, his ear drum had ruptured. Argh! That happened a year and a half ago too! TJ must have a really high pain tolerance, because he never really talked about ear pain. He just started acting very strangely.
So now he's on an antibiotic for ten days, and we have drops to put in his ear twice a day. He has to go back in two weeks to make sure the ear drum is healing correctly. He did finally admit he can't hear out of that ear. My poor, stubborn little guy.
Oh, in case you are wondering, he did still go to school in the afternoon. His fever was not over 100 at that point, and the doctor said if he felt up to it, he could go. And of course, TJ wanted to go! His class went on their first field trip! They walked to the Coopersville fire station, where they learned about fire safety. TJ didn't quite 'get it'. He came home and told me that if the smoke detector went off, he would wake up, and bring his hippo and his blankets outside with him, because he loves them. I tried to explain that what mattered most was that he was safe...we can always buy new stuff, we can't buy a new TJ.