Sunday, December 7, 2014

Tie Guy

Nolan loves to dress up for church. I'm not being sarcastic, he really does love it. He is a huge fan of ties. His brothers prefer polo shirts or sweaters, but Nolan wants to rock a tie. 

This morning, I laid out a dress shirt and a sweater vest, along with his precious blue tie. Bill said Nolan came down the stairs, struggling with his apparel and asking for help with his tie. 

Bill saw him and almost lost it. Nolan had put on the sweater vest first, then the dress shirt, and was trying to clip his tie on top. Bill gently explained that Nolan had gotten the order wrong and that the shirt needed to go on before the vest. 

Nolan wasn't happy with this. "But Dad! Then no one will see my tie!"

Here he is, correctly attired. He took a look at this picture and was pleased to see that his tie is still noticeable. 

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