Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Two for Tuesday

The boys were full of it today.  Nolan had one of his moments where he was deep in thought and had an epiphany. "Mom, Wednesdays are really busy for me! I have therapy AND I have to take a shower! That's a lot of stuff!"

While I was chuckling over this, he suddenly looked stunned. "And tomorrow" (which, yes, is Wednesday), "I also have to play at the campground with Grandma. An even busier day!"

My parents are camping this week just a few miles from our house. So the boys have been playing at the lake right by their camper. They love it. But boy, it sure is filling up Nolan's social calendar!

On the way home from the campground, TJ said to me, "You know Mom, I have a lot of imagitivity."

I'll let you ponder that one. 

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