Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Potty Saga, Day 2

Well, it did go better today, but it started out early. Sam woke up TJ at 1 a.m., and TJ came and got me. Sam had to go potty. My first thought? "Nooooooo!" I pictured myself sitting on the bathroom floor for 3 hours with him. Well, tired Sam pees much faster than awake Sam. The whole procedure, including hand-washing, only took 10 minutes.

This morning was a bit more stressful. Sam (who stayed dry all night) told Bill at 7 a.m. that he had to go to the bathroom. He didn't actually go until 11:15. But we are getting there! He stayed dry all day and went to the bathroom a total of five times.

He's not ready to poop on the potty, and I am fine with that. He went a little in his diaper right before bedtime (I had him in a diaper for that very reason). He's so obsessive about things I was afraid he would constipate himself if he decided he wasn't going to go on the potty or in his diaper. We will deal with that obstacle later.

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