Saturday, April 17, 2010

Making Progress

Nolan has his two-year well child visit on Wednesday. At his one-year visit, he wasn't on the chart for height or weight. As of Wednesday, his stats were:

33 inches (14th percentile)
29 pounds (61st percentile)

So let's just say he's made up a lot more ground in the weight department than the height department. That boy is solid and he loves food! I'm hoping that having him play outside a lot this summer will help him slim down a bit. Otherwise, he's going to get difficult to lift and carry soon.

Nolan knows how old he is, he knows several colors, a few letters, and he likes to count ("One, Two, Three, Go!" is a favorite sentence). However, when the doctor asked him questions, he gave her blank stares. I guess he wants to hide his brilliance.

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