Last Friday night was my summer work picnic. This year, we had a picnic area reserved at the Whitecaps Game, with dinner included, and all expenses paid. We even had $20 each in spending money. That means $100 for my whole family. The boys got a ton of stuff and I didn't spend a dime of my own money.
But Sam did not come with us. The day before he started complaining of a headache and running a fever. I had hoped he would be feeling well enough to come with us to the game, but his fever was still 103 at 5 p.m. on Friday. One of the nicest things about living with my parents is that I didn't have to scramble to find a babysitter, nor did I have to fret about Sam being home without us.
Shortly after we left for the game, Sam really perked up (ibuprofen is amazing stuff). For fun, he started reading an atlas (I know...his idea of Friday night fun is rather peculiar). He felt a need to keep texting me some of his observations.
The one that had me laughing hysterically?
"Hey Mom, did you know that there is a country that's only .7 square miles big? It's called Monaco."
I wrote back that yes, I had heard of Monaco. He came back with:
"It's so small, that when they throw a party in Monaco, some people have to park in France."
The kid is hilarious and he isn't even trying.
And in case you are wondering, we got Sam a hat, a blinking sword, blinking teeth (don't ask) and popcorn. He was pretty happy with his loot.