Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Last Tuesday night, March 31, I was being a bit melodramatic when I tucked Nolan in and kissed him goodnight. He asked why I was sad, and I said it was because it was the last time I would ever kiss my six-year-old good night. I asked him if he would still let me kiss him the next night, when he was a big grownup seven-year-old. He said of course!

So I pushed it further. I asked him if he would still let me kiss him good night when he was seventy. 

Nolan paused for a moment and then looked at me quite seriously. "Mom...I'm pretty sure you'll be dead by then."


Then I did the math. I'll be 101 when he's 70. I guess he's not very optimistic about me living past the century mark. 

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