Friday, January 16, 2015

My dog

Copper is truly my dog. I didn't really mean for that to happen, it just did. She likes Bill and the boys, and she never gets tired of trying to convince the cats to play with her, but if I am home, she is right by my side about 98% of the time. I trip over her at least once a day.

The first two nights we had her, Copper slept in her dog bed right next to our bed. I couldn't bear to put her in her kennel at night. I knew she had spent the first year of her life in a shelter and then spent several weeks in a chaotic rescue. I wanted her to feel loved and safe after what she had been through. So I put her bed right next to ours. 

That worked great for two nights. On the third night, she jumped up on the bed and snuggled down next to me. And that's where she has been ever since. She doesn't just sleep next to me, she is pressed firmly against me. She's like a water bottle that never cools off. And since I am often freezing, I really don't mind. I don't mind her snoring either. 

Now I am wondering. Do people still use hot water bottles?

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