Monday, June 16, 2014

7 a.m. wake-up

School mornings are tough for Sam. He is NOT a morning person, and he tends to move slowly, even when he's in a good mood. That means getting him up, dressed, and fed by 7:45 can be a bit rough. I start at 7 a.m. by turning the light on and telling him it's time to get up. As I walk down the hallway to do this, I pass TJ. He is already dressed and heading downstairs. He is just like his dad, who enjoys mornings. I wake up Nolan right after Sam and he promptly gets up and gets dressed. 

Around 7:05, I yell down the hall to Sam that he'd better be moving. Around 7:10, I'll check and see he is still in bed. I remind him that he MUST be heading downstairs by 7:20 or he will be in trouble with me. At 7:19, Sam finally gets moving and races downstairs just in the nick of time. Then I have to prod him through breakfast in time to catch the bus. 

So mornings can be very exhausting. I feel like a prison warden. Imagine my surprise last week Wednesday when I looked in Sam's room to see his bed was empty. I figured he was in the bathroom but that was empty too. I asked TJ where Sam was and he had no idea. 

We found him. The day before, Bill had finally gotten a couple sprinkler zones working. Sam was up, dressed, and outside at 7:00, just checking on the sprinklers. He did the same thing on Thursday, the last day of school. It was wonderful!

I'm wondering if we can keep the sprinklers on year-round. 

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