Friday, July 12, 2013

The joy of camping

This is our annual week at Cran-Hill Ranch. All three of our boys have now reached the delightful age where they don't require constant supervision. Nolan tends to stay close to the trailer and TJ and Sam must let me know where they are going to be (plus, they each have a two-way radio, which is quite helpful). And of course, they are not allowed on the beach unless an adult is with them. But other than that, they have a pretty loose schedule. And I love it. 

Sam is in his glory. He told me that Sunday (the day we headed up here) is his favorite day of the year. He was so excited he was literally skipping. All week, he has kept himself busy. I bought him a pond net and he has been fishing out tadpoles and other specimens from the pond to show me. He's been on nature walks. He's gotten absolutely filthy (no joke, I had to scrub him down several times before he was the right skin color again) by playing in the sand dunes. Bill is teaching him to ride a two-wheeler. Multiple people have arrived with trailers and Sam has gotten to watch them set up. The barn store has sherbet and lactose-free soft serve ice cream for him to choose from. He gets to pull Auntie Boo's wagon around and pretend it's his trailer. 
He has been smiling almost non-stop. I love watching him have a great time. 

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