Last week we were camping. Over the course of the week, TJ got stung by a wasp on his lip, Nolan got kicked in the nose while playing on the beach resulting in an epic bloody nose, and TJ got some nasty mystery infection on his leg that resulted in a trip to the emergency room for antibiotics. Needless to say, the First Aid kit my mom keeps in her camper got quite a bit of use.
On Friday night, Nolan was sitting there, studying the box. "Mom, what does aid mean?" I explained that it was providing the type of help that was needed at that time. "So what does first aid mean?" I went on to say that the first thing you need to do when you get hurt is clean and bandage the wound. And everything you need is in the kit.
Nolan nodded. "So what's second aid?"
Now I'm stumped. I never thought about it before. He is annoyed I don't have an answer for him.