This picture was taken on my 7th birthday...back in September 1983. TJ happened to be in my bedroom while I was packing and I showed him the picture. I told him that I was the exact same age he is right now. I also told him the picture was taken 20 years before he was born. TJ latched on to that comment. I kept on talking about being seven, but he was clearly still thinking about me being pregnant. He suddenly commented, "Yep. I used to watch the food go by."
I stopped talking and looked at him for a minute. I then tried to think like a seven-year-old. He was picturing himself hanging out in my tummy, looking at what I was eating. I laughed. I tried to explain a little bit about pregnancies, and how the baby isn't actually in the mother's stomach. It is hard to explain that without going into WAY too much detail. TJ seemed somewhat satisfied (and bored) with my explanation. I was still chuckling over his comment.
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