I know it's been a week since I've posted. It's been a busy week! And I tried to post last night, but Blogger was down. Nice.
This spring, my boys have been convinced that any flying bug is a bee or a wasp, capable of stinging them. Unfortunately, last weekend, when we were all at my mom's celebrating birthdays (Amanda, Miles, and Sarah) and Mother's Day, a wasp got in my mom's dining room. I'm sure a child let it in, since they are forever opening the slider door.
I was in the living room and TJ came and sat very close to me. "I'm really worried about the swap, Mom." I looked at him for a minute and said, "What swap?" He looked annoyed (because his mom is really, really dense) and said, "The swap that flew in the dining room." Oh, a wasp! "That's what I said, Mom. A swap!"
Nolan is now joining us for the first part of church. Some weeks are better than others, behavior-wise. Last week Sunday was a rough week for all 3 boys. I finally got Nolan settled on my lap during the congregational prayer, closed my eyes, and was attempted to pray along with Pastor Greg when Nolan turned and loudly whispered, "Hey! Mama, wake up!"
I'm quite certain I recall Sam doing the exact same thing a couple years ago. I was not asleep!
Earlier this week, we had some cement poured alongside our driveway, so we can park the Lancer out of the way when the Saab is in the garage. Before, we parked the Lancer behind the Saab and had to do some jockeying of vehicles just to get the convertible out. So, Bill wanted to widen our driveway using some of the funds from our tax return. It's really hard to say who has been more excited about this project---Bill, or the boys. While the guys were out there pouring and smoothing the cement, all four of my boys were out there watching. TJ followed the workers everywhere, asking a million questions. Nolan was excited and jabbered a lot about what he was seeing. Then there was Sam. He was in awe. He said very little, but took in everything. I'm pretty sure if I gave him a cement truck, he could pour a driveway by himself. In fact, Sam was so absorbed with watching them work, he forgot the cement was wet and stepped in it. He was devastated and sentenced himself to watching from his bedroom window, even though I repeatedly assured him no one was angry with him. He's such a sensitive little guy.